StartFragmentA recent death in my family has reinforced the critical importance of a Last Will and Testament. Did you know that less than 50% of the population have any basic estate planning documents? Get your estate in order today. EndFragment
After our last post we received a good deal of questions about pricing for Last Will and Testaments. My lawyer friends are going to hate me for this but until March 31st, our simple estate packages are: $300 for individuals and $450 for couples. My goal here is to simply help you get your estate in order! It’s that important to me.
I realize there are ‘cookie cutter’ online options available but many of those don’t meet state specific compliance rules, so be sure to know w...hat you’re getting from an online portal.
Our Simple Estate package includes: Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, signing ceremony, notary service, and a peace of mind meeting with loved ones.
Let us know if we can help. 615-922-0162
Wills and Estates